Dubai Properties, one of the largest real estate developers in the city, approached us at the end of 2017 with a challenge: to create a campaign that reaffirmed their role in making Dubai a true home for people from all over the world.
This task was more complex than it seemed. Here’s an insight about expats in Dubai: although millions call the city home, when they speak about 'home,' they often refer to their country of origin, not where they currently live. This contrast becomes even sharper during the festive season when the most common question among expats is, 'Are you going home for the holidays?'
Ironically, many of those same expats experience a deep sense of ‘coming home’ when their plane descends over Dubai, signaling their return. We tapped into that powerful emotional moment. Beginning January 1, 2018, billboards in the Arrivals terminal of Dubai International Airport greeted returning expats with three simple, yet meaningful words: 'Welcome Back Home.'
The campaign quickly resonated, gaining coverage from Dubai news channel Lovin Dubai, whose chief editor even penned an opinion piece on it. It was a great example of how a strong insight paired with thoughtful execution can spark widespread impact.
This campaign was developed in collaboration with Braden Deatcher, Phil Ramage, Hari Krishna, Zeina Chidiac, Shayda Jaberolansar, and Michel Pharand from Nomads.

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