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How to start an Instagram account for a detergent.

Is Instagram the right place for detergents? It didn't seem like it at the end of 2019. None of the major Dutch brands were present; Ariel wasn't, Robijn wasn't and Persil wasn't. Yet their target audience is - every single day. And it was this audience that Persil desperately needed to connect with. Penetration had been declining for several years and brand tracking showed Persil lacked emotional meaning to millennial families. In other words, there was a lot to gain on the Gram for Persil. But how to start an Instagram account for a detergent and how to make dirty laundry engaging? The Tag De Vlek (Tag A Stain) campaign managed to do both by combining a social insight, an engaging creative idea and the power of influencers. Check out the Dutch case video here. Idea: Tim Boom and Joshua Hoogeboom.

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